The True World RPG is a generic and universal tabletop roleplaying game that can support a wide variety of game genres and settings.
The game system is pre-release and still undergoing playtesting. This site's contents are a living document and may change without notice.
The game system was designed for groups wanting simpler, lightweight, and narrative mechanics for playing their favorite published or homebrew setting.
The game's play style combines traditional and narrative game systems. First and foremost, the game mechanics were designed to support storytelling, emphasizing versatility and adaptability.
License and Attributions
The game rules for the True World RPG © 2023 by Chris Beckett are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). You can share and adapt this material for any purpose, including commercial use with attribution.
The images found on this site may be public domain or subject to copyright and used under license from the original artist. If an image is subject to copyright, attribution and a link to the original artist are included in a label below the picture. Images that do not contain an attribution label are in the public domain and are not protected by copyright.
Images used on this site may have been produced using generative artificial intelligence, are not subject to copyright, and are in the public domain. Generative AI may have been used when drafting text content and proofreading. However, text editing by the author is asserted to be transformative and the author retains copyright.
The game system is an original work by the author but was inspired by Cortex Prime, Fate Core, Risus, Freeform Universal, Blades in the Dark, Savage Worlds, Lumen, Grok, the Year Zero Engine, and many other great game systems.
Design Goals
The following are some core design goals that inspired the game development and can help you determine if this is a game you want to play.
RULES-LITE: The game prioritizes common sense and the "rule of cool" over complex mechanics and detailed rules. The game rules are simple and easy to learn, and the play style is fast and fluid.
PLAYER-FACING: Only players roll dice in the game, keeping the spotlight on the stars of the show. The action system allows players to collaborate and discuss strategy, and the game mechanics reward teamwork.
FREEFORM: Character creation is freeform, and players define their characters using their creativity and imagination rather than picking options from a list. A toolkit with tips and examples is provided to assist players.
BALANCED: The action system was designed to prioritize balancing characters' ability levels, giving every player an equal opportunity to shine.
LONG-RUNNING: Both mechanical and narrative character progression options can support everything from one-shots to multi-year campaigns.
LOW PREP: The game was designed to minimize the load on the game host. Challenges, from simple obstacles to powerful adversaries, are quick and easy to create with little preparation. The game can be played using theater of the mind with or without visual aids. Battle maps can also be used for groups that prefer more tactical gameplay.
Content Organization
The site is divided into several sections:
RULES: Outlines the core game mechanics, describing how to define characters and how to interact with the game world.
TOOLKIT: Tools and guidance to assist players and game hosts in creating characters or how to run and play the game.
RESOURCES: Additional reference material or tools that can assist with playing the game.
The True World is a community for TTRPG enthusiasts who want to discuss or participate in exciting adventures using the True World RPG and our house setting, Stela Mondo.
Last updated
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