Quick Encounters

Quick encounters resolve an entire sequence of narrative events with a single action roll.

Quick encounters can help avoid splitting a group during gameplay. When individual group members need to divide to pursue tasks towards a common objective, quick encounters can be used to avoid having to roleplay all the nitty-gritty parts.

Encounter Types

Quick actions are well-suited to activities that are not directly related to the main storyline.

INFORMATION: Gather information or conduct research to prepare for future encounters.

RELATIONSHIPS: Establish relationships, make deals, or forge alliances.

PROJECTS: Resolve smaller tasks or missions that contribute to a characters' personal objectives or secondary plots.

TRAINING: Train in skills, gain new abilities, or practice techniques to enhance their capabilities.

CRAFTING: Describe the process of creating items, potions, or gear without roleplaying every step.

FAST TRAVEL: Condense a long journey.

RESOURCES: Describe how resources are located and acquired.

Performing a Quick Encounter

Quick encounters use the same mechanics as normal actions but expand the scope of the action roll to encompass the broader objective of the encounter.

One player is selected to perform the action roll. The encounter difficulty is determined by the host. Up to two participating players can use teamwork to assist. The players deal with the consequences of the action roll per normal rules.

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