
Mutations are biological changes or genetic traits that provide extraordinary physical or mental abilities.

During Session Zero, groups are encouraged to discuss the choice of story and setting to determine if and which types of mutations are appropriate before proceeding with character creation.

Mutation Types

The following is a list of common types of mutations.

NATURAL WEAPONS: Physiological features that can be used to attack enemies. This includes things like sharp claws, fangs, hooves or horns, a venomous bite, or poisonous or acidic saliva.

NATURAL DEFENSES: Physiological features that make them resistant to physical attacks. This includes things like durable skin and bones, scales, or spikes.

REGENERATION: Heal wounds quickly, regrow lost limbs, or recover from otherwise fatal injuries.

HEIGHTENED SENSES: One or more of the character’s senses are amplified, providing abilities such as improved vision, hearing, or smell. They may be able to see in darkness, hear distant sounds, or detect subtle environmental cues.

ADAPTIVE PHYSIOLOGY: A mutation that allows the character’s body to quickly adapt to environmental extremes. This could include breathing underwater, seeing in the dark, or changing skin pigmentation to blend with the surroundings.

ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE: An innate immunity or high resistance to specific environmental elements, such as extreme heat, cold, radiation, or toxins. They can survive in otherwise deadly conditions.

PREHENSILE APPENDAGES: Extra limbs or tail-like appendages that can be used to grab, manipulate objects, or fight, providing additional versatility in movement and combat.

Defining Mutations

A character's mutations are expressed through assets and features.

ASSETS: Use assets to add a mutation if the mutation can be directly leveraged to increase the chance of success when performing specific actions. For example, adding a Natural Claws asset allows an unarmed strike to do slashing damage to an object or an opponent.

FEATURES: Use features to define mutations that boost a character's abilities. Features can be used to impose specific conditions, provide passive abilities, or break the rules for a standard turn. For example, a mutation for Fast Healing could periodically be used to remove a bane from a character's performance conditions.

The following are some examples of mutations that could be added as assets. Use tags to identify the kinds of conditions the asset can be used for.

Feline Reflexes (#dodging, #melee, #combat-initiative)

Natural Claws (#slashing, #restrain)

Reptilian Scales (#defense, #fire-resistance)

The following are examples of mutations that could be expressed as features.

POISONOUS STRIKES - You have claws that are poisonous. Twice per encounter you can add a poisoned bane to the performance conditions of an adversary you successfully strike with your claws. This effect can only be applied once to a target and does not stack. The target remains poisoned until they can consume an anti-toxin or the end of the current scene.

FAST HEALER - You have an accelerated metabolism that allows you to heal quickly. Once per scene you can remove a bane from your performance conditions.

DARK VISION - You have the enhanced night vision of a cat. When in dim light or darkness your vision is unimpaired.

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