Sample Game Play
A sample script illustrating the core gameplay mechanics, showcasing tactical actions and character abilities during an intense forest ambush.
This script demonstrates the core mechanics and storytelling style of the True World RPG. Throughout the script, you'll see characters using various actions, features, and assets to handle an ambush by bandits in a dense forest. Each character brings different strengths and strategies to the encounter, creating opportunities for teamwork and clever use of the environment.
For this sample, we use the pre-generated characters for Medieval Fantasy found in the Archetypes section of the Toolkit.
Sir Aldric (Knight)
Kaelan (Elemental Mage)
Lira (Rogue)
Package Delivery
The party is a group of adventurers in the medieval fantasy setting of Dun Halvern. They are on their way to deliver a package from the coastal town of Farhaven to the capital city of Bilago. The area between them is rumored to be rife with bandits.
The situation is a narrative context surrounding the player's activities during gameplay. A situation is generally defined by one or more related objectives the party is working towards and begins with an opening scene. In this case, the current situation started when the party departed from the town of Fairhaven to deliver a package.
Bandit Ambush
The party is currently traveling through a dense forest area. They notice signs of recent campfires and the faint glimmer of metal in the bushes ahead. Suddenly, bandits emerge from the undergrowth, weapons drawn.
Game Host: The forest is quiet—too quiet. The air is tense, and the dense fog adds to the unease. You suddenly hear movement around you. A voice calls out from the shadows, "Hand over your belongings, and maybe you’ll live to see tomorrow." Four bandits emerge from the trees, weapons glinting in the faint sunlight filtering through the canopy. Ok, we are in Initiative!
When the game host wants gameplay to proceed in a structured turn order, they call Initiative. The group has a brief moment to discuss strategy and determine the turn order for the group that will be used for the remainder of turn-based gameplay.
Lira (Rogue): I don't think they have seen me, I want to try and sneak around and flank them from the left.
Sir Aldric (Knigh): I will try to negotiate with them to buy you time and keep the focus on me.
Kaelan (Mage): I am going to hold my action to cast a fireball at the two in the bushes off to the right until Ivy has a chance to get in position.
Game Host: Ok, sounds like you guys have a plan. Turn-order is Lira, Sir Aldric and then Kaelan. Start of the round--- Lira you are up! You need to try to slip into the undergrowth on the left side of the road to flank them. The challenge base difficulty is 3.
Lira (Rogue): Ok, I am using my Acrobat (D8) and Shadow Cloak (D6) assets, plus a common D4. Since it dim light and foggy in the forest, I have an advantage on my roll making my difficulty a 2.
Game Host: I agree, make your action roll to beat a 2.
Ivy performs an action roll with a D8, a D6, and a D4 in her dice pool. Her result is a 4, a 3, and a 2. Her outcome is a Partial Success (two successes, one failure).
To perform an action, a player chooses up to 3 assets from their character sheet and rolls to determine the outcome. Each die in the action dice pool must beat the challenge difficulty. A base difficulty is set by the Game Host. If the player has a relative advantage or disadvantage due to the environment, their character's conditions, and other aspects of the current situation, the challenge difficulty can be increased or decreased by 1.
Following an action roll, based on the dice outcome, the player determines the consequences of their action and narrates the outcome.
Lira (Rogue): Great, I succeed to slip into the undergrowth undetected and start to work my way along the left side, but my cloak gets caught on the thorns of a prickly bush and I am restrained until I can clear myself. I am about 15 feet to the left of the Bandits on the road. End of turn!
Game Host: Ouch... you could probably just pull away if you needed to, but it will shake the bush and you would lose your stealthly advantage. Sir Aldric, you are up!
Sir Aldric (Knight):
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