Teamwork supports and encourages players to work together providing an opportunity to assist or protect another player.
Using teamwork is free, and is essential for groups to achieve their shared goals. Teamwork can be used during normal and turn-based play. During normal gameplay, teamwork can be used when the situation allows. During turn-based play, each player has a single teamwork reaction they can use to help another player per round.
Only a single player can provide teamwork to another player for a specific action. Teamwork can be offered and accepted at any time during an action roll but before consequences for the roll are determined.
Teamwork provides players with two options: assistance or protection.
Assistance is provided by offering a helpful asset to the action roll of another player. The asset must be relevant to the action being performed and the assisting character must be in an appropriate position within the current scene to assist. Assistance might be providing knowledge or skills to a task, lending your reputation to another character during a negotiation, or sharing a tool.
The assisting player rolls a single die for the character's asset they are offering. The player receiving assistance can substitute the roll's result for one of their own, picking the best three results.
Protection is provided by intercepting one or more negative consequences from another player's action. This might be attempting to push the other character out of harm's way or shielding them from a blow.
The player offering teamwork should describe how they can help. The protection must make narrative sense for the circumstances, and the character must be in an appropriate position to protect within the current scene.
Teamwork and Features
Features can also be used to boost teamwork. Features can be written to use a teamwork reaction as a trigger. The feature can then describe a special effect to assist or protect another player.
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