Chance Roll
Chance rolls use dice to determine random outcomes for uncertain events.
A Chance Roll can be used to determine game aspects that do not include direct participation by the players. They can also be used to introduce random narrative elements that can help direct the story in unpredictable ways. They reinforce the role of using dice to make the game feel dynamic.
Using Chance Rolls
Chance rolls can be used for a variety of purposes.
IMPARTIAL CONSEQUENCES: Pick a random condition for a common consequence. This could include choosing the type and location of damage from a physical attack, the effect of poison or disease, or a wild magic event from the failure to cast a spell.
DYNAMIC SCENES: Determine dynamic elements when defining a scene and situation. This could include environmental factors such as time of day and weather conditions or the number, attitude, and disposition of non-player characters towards the group.
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS: Unexpected events or incidents such as a random encounter with an obstacle or adversary or a change in the environment such as a sudden blackout or a minor earthquake.
Not every random element of the game requires using a chance roll. Sometimes, the host will want to exert control over a prepared scene. Hosts can use this simple rule of thumb. Consider utilizing a chance roll if the players ask a question and the answer is not pre-determined.
Making a Chance Roll
Chance rolls are made using a D100, and potential outcomes are assigned a percentile chance between 1 and 100.
Chance rolls work particularly well for simple binary decisions. Ask a question and assign a percentile chance to the preferred outcome. The host can prepare a random table for decisions with large sets of potential outcomes.
Random Tables
Random tables can match the results of a chance role with a list of pre-generated outcomes.
The following random table simulates a Magic 8 Ball, producing a gradient outcome to any question. The table contains ten potential outcomes that can also be used to determine a random difficulty target number from 1 to 10.
ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN: The stars align, signaling resounding success.
HIGHLY LIKELY: Favorable omens suggest success is close at hand.
OPTIMISTIC: Good chances, with more signs pointing towards success.
SOMEWHAT HOPEFUL: A bit better than average chance of success.
BALANCED ODDS: Success and failure are equally likely.
UNCERTAIN: The outcome is hard to predict, could go either way.
SOMEWHAT DOUBTFUL: Challenges ahead, success will require effort.
PESSIMISTIC: More signs of failure, success will be hard to achieve.
HIGHLY UNLIKELY: Success is a long shot, with most signs pointing to failure.
DOOMED: An endeavor likely to fail, a change of course might be necessary.
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