
Situations are narrative contexts where players, through their characters, work to accomplish their goals through scenes and encounters.

Defining Situations

A situation is a narrative framework that provides a shared goal or challenge for the group. It sets the stage for players to explore, interact, and make decisions that affect the storyline. Situations can vary widely, from diplomatic missions and investigations to survival challenges and rescue operations.

Situations are played out through scenes and encounters.

SCENES: A specific location or setting where the characters’ actions and interactions take place. Each scene provides the backdrop against which the situation is resolved.

ENCOUNTERS: The challenges and interactions that test a player's choices and a characters' abilities, driving the story's direction based on their outcomes.

Opening Scene

Engaging in a new situation typically involves the group traveling to a specific region or area within the game setting. The host begins the situation by presenting an opening scene.

An opening scene is the starting point for a new situation. It provides context, introduces the environment, and hints at the challenges or opportunities that lie ahead. The situation progresses as the group make choices to interact with the elements in the scene and may continue by spanning multiple scenes and encounters until the group completes or abandons their objective.

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