
Range provides a set of narrative terms used to measure distance for movement, weapons, and other ranged activities.

The game system uses a narrative range system to help simplify distance measurement. Instead of relying on precise numerical values, distances are categorized into range rings and defined for specific game environments using range tables.

Range Rings

The game system uses a narrative range system to help simplify distance measurement. Instead of relying on precise numerical values, distances are categorized into six distinct ranges centered on and relative to the position of a character.

  • Close

  • Near

  • Short

  • Medium

  • Long

  • Far

On their own, range rings are meaningless, they are just a standardized term to describe a relative distance to the character. The applicable meaning of a range is based on the situation and context of the character and is resolved using range tables.

Range Tables

Depending on the story and setting, range tables need to be defined for each type of range context applicable to game play. Most settings will include at least one default range table for normal unassisted movement, and individual carried or hand-held weapons, tools or technologies.

Additional range tables should be identified and prepared during campaign prep and discussed during Session Zero. For example, a story and setting that involves pirates on the high seas, a range table should be created for ship-based ranges that might include watch visibility from the crow's nest, movement speeds for various wind conditions, and attack distances for cannons, scorpions or catapults.


The following is an example range table for a typical medieval fantasy setting and story with human characters using period weapons and technology.



At close range, characters are within arm's reach of each other. This range typically encompasses immediate physical interactions, such as engaging in hand-to-hand combat or whispering secrets to a nearby ally.


The near range extends just beyond arm's reach, encompassing distances that can be covered with a few quick steps. Characters within this range are close enough to engage in conversation without shouting and to execute quick maneuvers or close-quarters attacks using hand-held, thrown or reach weapons (like swords, throwing knives, a spear, or a whip).


Short range denotes distances that require a bit more effort to traverse, such as crossing a warehouse or running across a city street. Movement at this range requires consuming a character's entire turn. Short range attacks can be made low power and velocity weapons like slings or hand crossbows. Psionic attacks and mind effects are limited to short ranges.


The medium range represents distances of that would require at least two full turns of movement (or more) to traverse such as running down a city block, or across a small field. Verbal communication at this range between characters would be very difficult. Medium range attacks can be made with short bows or light crossbows. Arcane magic attacks and area effects are limited to medium ranges.


Long range encompasses distances that reach the limits of visual acuity or normal turn-based movement (more than 10 turns). Attacks and other actions at this range would require high-powered weapons such as heavy crossbows, longbows or compound bows.


Far range represents the limits of visual recognition and would likely involve a separate travel scene to traverse the distance. Attacks at this range would require high-powered weapons such as heavy crossbows or longbows but would suffer very poor accuracy (if not impossible).

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