
Assets define anything and everything that a character can leverage to help them overcome challenges.

Assets are the foundation of a character's ability in the game world. Assets provide narrative permission that allows characters to perform specific types of actions during game play. To shoot somebody, you need to have a gun and some kind of training in how to use it. To pick a lock, you would need a suitable too and something in your background that let you acquire the knowledge of locks.

Defining Assets

The game system does not include any pre-defined classes and does not provide any pre-defined lists for choosing character assets. Players build their characters by defining assets that encompass their character's abilities in the game world and investing their character's experience to improve their assets to help them succeed.

Assets are commonly one of the following types.

BACKGROUNDS - A notable aspect of a character's past such as a profession, racial or cultural heritage, or family lineage. A character who was a blacksmith might have expertise in metalworking and crafting, while a former soldier might be skilled in combat tactics and weaponry. Characters from wealthy or noble families often benefit from privileges like access to political connections, resources, or formal education. A character from a nomadic tribe might be adept at survival and navigation, while a character from an academic environment might have access to arcane knowledge or scholarly skills.

AFFILIATIONS - An affiliation refers to a formal or informal connection between a character and a group, organization, or faction. This could include memberships, alliances, a business or employment relationship that exert influence within the game world. Affiliations offer access to information, support, or privileges in certain situations. For example, a character might be affiliated with a guild, a political group, or a secret society.

DISTINCTIVE TRAITS - Distinctive personality or physical traits that make the character stand out and can exert influence in the game world. A distinctive personality trait might be a barbarian who uses their rage to give them martial prowess, or a charismatic leader who can inspire others. A character may have an inherent physical trait such as a high intelligence or uncommon physical size or strength.

GEAR - Weapons, armor, tools and toolkits, and technologies that can be worn or carried by a character. Gear can optionally include companions or access to equipment.


Gear can include toolkits. A toolkit is a collection of related small items combined for a single purpose that are impractical to track and manage individually. For example, a Botanist might require a variety of vials, reagents, and other tools or materials for the collection and testing of samples. A player can define a Botanist's Kit to include all the relevant items as a single gear item.


If a player has an idea for an asset that does not match one of the common types listed above, it should be discussed with the group and approved by the host.

Dice Ratings

Assets are rated using polyhedral dice from D4 to D12. A higher dice rating is better, and helps characters succeed when performing actions.



Common (average and unremarkable)






Very Good



When creating characters, players can select assets for their characters and spend experience points to improve the assets that define their character's core identity.


Assets rated at Common (D4) are considered average and unremarkable and are essentially free to characters. Common assets are divided into open and protected.

Open assets are assumed to be available and shared by all characters within the game setting. This can include common knowledge and basic skills, and mundane personal gear and other items that are easily acquired at a relatively low and insignificant cost. Open assets do not need to be tracked on character sheets, and players can assume their characters have these assets during gameplay.

Protected assets are assets that are specific rather than being generic, and not openly available to all characters. Protected assets provide narrative permission and must be acquired by characters for use. Examples of common but protected assets include a security badge to enter a building, the key to a specific lock, or knowledge of the internal layout of a faction's hideout.

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