
Methods of rewarding players for game play experience and providing opportunities for character progression.

An essential element of good roleplaying games is providing players with a sense of accomplishment through completing objectives and influencing meaningful change to the game world environment.

Common Rewards

There are a wide variety of ways to reward players. The choice is often dependent on the type of setting, story and campaign.

NARRATIVE: Players are given opportunities to influence or change the game world based on their actions. These changes might involve shaping political outcomes, gaining influence in a key faction, or affecting the outcome of a large conflict. Narrative rewards provide a sense of impact and agency in the story.

EXPERIENCE POINTS: XP allows players to improve their characters over time. These points can be used to increase the quality of assets or unlock new features like magic or combat techniques. This type of reward is ideal for long-running campaigns, where character progression is key.

EQUIPMENT AND GEAR: Gaining high-quality or magical items is a tangible way to reward players. Weapons, armor, tools, or magical artifacts can increase their character's capabilities or open up new ways to approach challenges.

INFLUENCE AND STATUS: Characters may earn titles, prestige, or social standing in the game world. This can lead to advantages in future interactions with NPCs, better access to resources, or a higher reputation within important factions.

COMPANIONS AND ALLIES: Hosts can reward players with loyal followers, creatures, or NPC allies that offer additional help or resources in future scenarios. Companions may have unique skills or abilities, enhancing the party's overall effectiveness.

KNOWLEDE OR SECRETS: Rewarding players with important information, hidden lore, or powerful spells can provide unique advantages in the game. These rewards allow players to make informed decisions, solve complex puzzles, or access restricted areas.

META CURRENCY: Directors may reward players with meta-currencies like "wildcards" or special points that can be spent to influence dice rolls, enhance actions, or trigger special abilities. These provide flexibility and allow players to impact key moments in the game.

There is no single approach that can ensure a satisfying reward system for any particular group. Hosts are encouraged to discuss what type of reward types are available with their group when planning a new campaign or adventure.

Distributing Rewards

When and how rewards are distributed to the group is the responsibility of the host. Rewards can be distributed based on individual or group achievements.

INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS: Rewards are given to individual players based on their personal actions or contributions. This can include heroic acts, solving puzzles, or significant roleplaying moments. Individual rewards, such as experience points or specific gear, allow for personal growth but should be balanced to ensure other players don’t fall behind.

GROUP MILESTONES: The entire group receives rewards when they achieve a collective objective or complete a significant mission. These can include shared experience points, valuable items, or narrative shifts that benefit the whole party. Group milestones ensure that all players advance together, fostering cooperation.

TIME-BASED REWARDS: Players or groups are rewarded over time, often at specific intervals, such as the end of a session or after completing several in-game days. This can help ensure a steady character progression that provides equal opportunities to all players.

ROLE-SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Characters may receive rewards based on their specific role within the party. For example, a healer may gain access to rare healing items, while a diplomat character might earn influence or favors from important NPCs. This approach ensures that each character’s unique abilities are recognized and rewarded.

SCALING REWARDS: Rewards can be scaled based on the difficulty of challenges or the risk taken by the players. More dangerous or complex tasks yield greater rewards, ensuring that players are incentivized to take on higher-risk missions while still keeping rewards proportional to effort.

In general, hosts are encouraged to use group achievements as their primary distribution method to help keep a balance between players. Individual rewards should be used sparingly as a special reward.

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