
Dice probability analysis using the AnyDice probability calculator.


AnyDice is a web application (written by Jasper Flick) that provides a dice probability calculator that can be scripted to mimic many types of dice mechanics.

The following link can be used to simulate the dice mechanics of the game system: True World AnyDice

Action Roll Function

The roll function simulates the Action Roll of the game system. The roll takes an ability dice expression representing the ability dice pool, and the difficulty dice expression representing the difficulty dice pool. The difficulty result is subtracted from the ability result and converted to the outcome and level of effect defined in the game rules.

function: roll A:n vs D:n {
  OUT: A - D
  if OUT >= 7 { result: 3 }
  if OUT >= 4 { result: 2 }
  if OUT >= 0 { result: 1 }
  if OUT <= -7 {result: -3 }
  if OUT <= -4 {result: -2 }
  if OUT <= -1 {result: -1 }

output [roll d8 vs d8] named "d8 vs d8"

Use the Table view to see the relative dice probability for the roll.

Ability Dice Pool

The ability dice pool represents the character's ability within an action roll. The pool consists of an ability die matching the ability rating of a character's skill (d4 to d12), and any additional dice for teamwork, or mechanical benefits from boosts. Boosts can potentially stack, so the ability dice pool has a potential width of up to 4 or 5 ability dice, but most action rolls will have an ability dice pool between 1 and 3 dice. Rolls made with the ability dice pool always take the highest result from the pool.

To simulate the ability dice pool, use the highest function with the abilty dice pool expression, and increase the size of the ability dice pool as required.

output [roll [highest 1 of 2d8] vs d8] named "d8(2) vs d8"

Difficulty Dice Pool

The difficulty dice pool represents the difficulty of a challenge, relative to the character's ability. The pool consists of a difficulty die matching the difficulty rating of the challenge (d4 to d12), and optionally, an additional position die used to represent the advantage or disadvantage of a character's fictional positioning relative to the challenge.

If the character has an advantage, the lowest result from the difficulty pool is selected. If the character has a disadvantage, the highest result from the difficulty pool is taken.

To simulate the difficulty dice pool for a character with an advantage, increase the difficulty dice pool to 2 dice and use the lowest function for the difficulty dice pool expression.

output [roll d8 vs [lowest 1 of 2d8]] named "d8 vs d8 (Advantage)"

To simulate the difficulty dice pool for a character with a disadvantage, increase the difficulty dice pool to 2 dice and use the highest function for the difficulty dice pool expression.

output [roll d8 vs [highest 1 of 2d8]] named "d8 vs d8 (Disadvantage)"

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